Thursday, September 30, 2010

2010 Olympiad: Round 9, Ghana lose to Trinidad & Tobago 0-4

Round 9 wasn´t good for the Ghana team as they lost 0-4 to Trinidad & Tobago.

Harper, Ryan - Anquandah, Francis Eric, 1-0
It was a Scandinavian with queenside castling by both players. White possessed a small spatial advantage and better placed pieces. Harper continued to improve his position and won two pawns later.

Koney, Nii - Cabralis, Keron, 0-1
After the opening, Cabralis had firm control of the centre and a lead in development. But it was Nii who struck first with a bishop sacrifice on h6. Although Cabralis defended well to prevent checkmate, Nii recovered the piece and was two pawns up. He lost control of the game in the endgame after a few errors that allowed Cabralis to obtain a passed pawn.

Yee, Frank - Bempa Bonsu, Kwandwo Ovu, 1-0
In the Caro Kann with 3. Nc3, the game followed theory until move 5 when Kojo Bonsu deviated with e6. Yee had the more active pieces and initiated a kingside attack that won a piece.

Hoogendijk, Cornelis Will - Singh, Ravishen, 0-1
Both players developed smoothly. On move 13 Singh sacrificed a pawn for the initiative. This paid off when this initiative, combined with the greater piece activity, led to the win of a piece. In the endgame it was Kees´ rook versus Singh´s queen.

In round 10 Ghana will play Haiti.

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