Anquandah - Phillips, Roy Jean-Noel, 0 - 1
It wasn´t difficult for Black to equalize after the opening. Black actually had an easy development and obtained a better position in terms of space and position of pieces. As a result was able to put pressure on White´s isolated pawn which eventually fell. Later Black created a passed pawn and won.
Chinasamy, Devarajen – Thompson, 1 - 0
Thompson showed his knowledge of openings when he played the Black side of the Two Knights Defence: Max Lange Attack. However in the middle game he fell to tactics due to his weak back rank.
Kojo Bonsu - Seegolam, Pradeep, 1 - 0
The game of the round for Team Ghana. In a King´s Indian with opposite side castling, Black had to move his K to the centre for safetly, however Kojo was able to find a way to the Black King with pawn sacs and some fine tactics. Great game Kojo!!
Marie, Patrick - Hoogendijk, Cornelis Will, 0 - 1
Kees gave Team Ghana the second win of the day playing his beloved Scandinavian Defense. Kees obtained a good position right after the opening with well coordinated pieces, a castled King and a lead in development. It wasn´t long in coming when his opponent blundered a Knight away and resigned a few moves later.
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The second round against Mauritius
Team Ghana
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