Monday, October 4, 2010

2010 Olympiad: Round 11, Ghana 1.5 - Guernsey 2.5

In the final round of the Olympiad Ghana lost to Guernsey 1.5-2.5. Kees did not play in this round.

Anquandah, Francis Eric - Kirby, Peter J, 0-1
In the Accelerated Dragon of the Sicilian Defense, Kirby quicky struck in the centre with 8...d5 and after exchanges in the centre had the initiative.

Cummins, John - Koney, Nii, 0.5-0.5
The game was balanced after the opening with both players manoeuvring their pieces to optimum squares. Cummins gained a slight advantage from his kingside attack and won two pawns but the game was drawn on move 46.

Thompson, Edward Nii Lamp - Brookfield, Toby, 1-0
Brookfield´s bishop pseudo sacrifice for a kingside attack met with good defending from Thompson who won two pawns in the process. Thompson later sacrificed a pawn for a winning attack that ended in mate on move 44.

Rowe, Peter - Bempa Bonsu, Kwandwo Ovus, 1-0
Kojo Bonsu was down a pawn after a slight error in calculation but after winning back the pawn, he held a slight advantage. However after moving his knight to the edge of the board, it had no way back into the game.

Friday, October 1, 2010

2010 Olympiad: Round 10, Ghana and Haiti share points

Ghana and Haiti both won two games each to tie at 2-2. Nii Koney and Anquandah won their games.

Sanon, Mondoly - Anquandah, Francis Eric, 0-1
After opposite side castling, both places set their pawns rolling towards the opposite king. But it was Anquandah´s attack that looked more threatening. After a lot of manoeuvring by both players, Anquandah won a knight by taking advantage of Sanon´s weakened back rank.

Koney, Nii - Luxama, Jacques, 1-0
After the opening, Nii had good control of the centre and had a kingside attack going. Luxama couldn´t stop the attack as Nii brought all his pieces to join the attack.

Lebrun, Piersont - Thompson, Edward Nii Lamp, 1-0
Thompson had a bad position after his fianchettoed bishop was exchanged off. Lebrun took advantage of the weakness around Thompson´s king.

Bempa Bonsu, Kwandwo Ovus - Bazil, Joslin , 0-1
With a closed centre, Kojo attacked on the kingside but his attack was halted. Basil had the better placed pieces and a well advanced pawn chain. Kojo blundered on move 40, losing his queen.

In the last round, Ghana will play Guernsey.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

2010 Olympiad: Round 9, Ghana lose to Trinidad & Tobago 0-4

Round 9 wasn´t good for the Ghana team as they lost 0-4 to Trinidad & Tobago.

Harper, Ryan - Anquandah, Francis Eric, 1-0
It was a Scandinavian with queenside castling by both players. White possessed a small spatial advantage and better placed pieces. Harper continued to improve his position and won two pawns later.

Koney, Nii - Cabralis, Keron, 0-1
After the opening, Cabralis had firm control of the centre and a lead in development. But it was Nii who struck first with a bishop sacrifice on h6. Although Cabralis defended well to prevent checkmate, Nii recovered the piece and was two pawns up. He lost control of the game in the endgame after a few errors that allowed Cabralis to obtain a passed pawn.

Yee, Frank - Bempa Bonsu, Kwandwo Ovu, 1-0
In the Caro Kann with 3. Nc3, the game followed theory until move 5 when Kojo Bonsu deviated with e6. Yee had the more active pieces and initiated a kingside attack that won a piece.

Hoogendijk, Cornelis Will - Singh, Ravishen, 0-1
Both players developed smoothly. On move 13 Singh sacrificed a pawn for the initiative. This paid off when this initiative, combined with the greater piece activity, led to the win of a piece. In the endgame it was Kees´ rook versus Singh´s queen.

In round 10 Ghana will play Haiti.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

2010 Olympiad: Round 8, Ghana lose to Ethiopia 0.5-3.5

After two consecutive wins in the previous two rounds Ghana succumbed to Ethiopia, losing 0.5 – 3.5.

Anquandah, Francis Eric - Mesfin, Leykun, 0.5-0.5
Anquandah obtained a small advantage out of the opening but it wasn´t enough to convert to a win. The queens came off in the middlegame and Mesfin sacrificed the exchange to stop the progress of Anquandah´s two connected passed pawns on the queenside.

Mulugeta, Ashenafi - Koney, Nii, 1-0
This round saw the return of Nii Koney, playing his favourite opening, the Sicilian Dragon. After castling on opposite sides, Mulugeta´s initiative resulted in a strong kingside attack.

Bempa Bonsu, Kwandwo Ovus - Fekadu, Desalegn Jimma, 0-1
Fedaku easily equalized and after queen exchanges had more active pieces. Kojo was down a pawn and his blunder on move 32 resulted in the loss of a rook.

Temesgen, Addisalem - Hoogendijk, Cornelis Will, 1-0
Kees experience his first defeat of the tournament losing to Temesgen, who held a slight advantage after the opening phase due to his space advantage on the queenside and better positioned pieces. Kees tried to generate counterplay but he overlooked a tactic on move 20 and had a bad position thereafter.

Hopefully the Ghana team can get back to winning ways when they play Trinidad and Tobago in round 9.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

2010 Olympiad: Round 7, Ghana wins again, 3-1

Team Ghana continued their winning ways with a second straight victory over Bermuda. Nii Koney was rested for the round 8.

Anquandah, Francis Eric - Faulks, Nick, 0-1
In the Sicilian Kan variation, Anquandah dropped a pawn early in the middle game. Although he did manage to win the pawn back Faulks´ bishop and rook combined very well in the endgame.

Radford, Michael - Thompson, Edward Nii Lamp, 0-1
A very impressive game played by Thompson in this round. Playing on the black side of the Queen´s Gambit Declined, Thompson developed smoothly with very active knights. After a dubious pseudo-sacrifice, Radford’s king was quite exposed. Thompson exploited the weaknesses in Radford´s king´s position with a crushing bishop and queen battery.

Bempa Bonsu, Kwandwo - Bacchas, Clevert, 1-0
The second Queen´s Gambit Declined game between the two countries in this round. Bacchas started an early kingside attack but after it fizzled out due to Kojo´s solid, creative defense, he was down two pawns. Kojo brilliantly outplayed Bacchas with neat tactical shots in the endgame.

Cooper, Gary – Kees, 0-1
Playing the Scandinavian Defense for the second time in the tournament, Kees defended well against Cooper´s kingside attack after the latter´s exchange sacrifice. After neutralizing all threats Kees was up three pawns.

Monday, September 27, 2010

2010 Chess Olympiad: Round 6, Ghana wins

Team Ghana posted their first win in the Olympiad with a clear win over U.S Virgin Islands. All four boards recorded wins for the team. Final result: U.S. Virgin Islands 0 – 4 Ghana.

Creswell, Reece - Anquandah, Francis Eric, 0-1
Creswell didn´t trouble Anquandah much in the opening phase. Anquandah had smooth development of his pieces and easily equalized. After a series of exchanges with the queens coming off, Anquandah won a pawn and in the ensuing endgame outplayed his opponent.

Koney, Nii - Mongiello, Anthony, 1-0
Playing against Mongiello´s French Defense, Nii had a spatial advantage on the queenside and better harmony between his pieces. There is quite a bit to be said about Mogiello´s suspicious third move, 3... Nc6. This move blocks the c7 pawn that is used for the typical pawn break in the French Defense. With lots of weakened squares around his opponents king, Nii launched a kingside attack and won a queen for a rook.

Smith, Michael - Thompson, Edward Nii Lamp, 0-1
In this tournament, Thompson has shown his versatility with various openings. He has played the Steinitz variation of the Ruy Lopez, Berlin Defense, Pirc , Two Knights Defense and in this game the Colle System. Smith sacrificed a bishop on g6 and had an attack going on the kingside. Thompson stopped it with nice tactics to win a queen for a rook and bishop.

Hoogendijk, Cornelis Will - Hensley, Alexander Charles, 1-0
Kees sacrificed two pawns for the initiative in the opening. The better piece activity resulted in Kees doubling rooks on his opponent´s seventh rank. Hensley blundered and was mated on move 29.

Ghana plays Bermuda in round 7.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

2010 Chess Olympiad: Round 5, San Marino 2.5 – 1.5 Ghana

In the fifth round Kees was rested and Kojo Bonsu played instead. This round saw Nii Koney post his first win at the Olympiad.

Grassi, Enrico - Anquandah, Francis Eric, 1-0
Anquandah employed the Scandinavian Defense for the second time in the tournament. Both players castled long and the game was balanced until Grassi won a pawn in the middle game. He created a passed pawn later in the endgame and went on to win.

Nii Koney - Cecchetti, Roberto , 1-0
It was all Nii Koney in this encounter, putting a lot of pressure on his opponent with an early attack on his opponent´s King. The attack was rewarded with the win of a piece and Black never stood a chance after that. Congrats Nii!

Righi, Ezio - Thompson, Edward Nii Lamptey, 0.5-0.5
This was an interesting game where Thompson employed the Berlin Defense and had some counterplay on the Kingside. After piece exchanges the game went into the endgame where it was Thompson´s Knight versus Righi´s Bishop. Eventually, the game was drawn in 68 moves with Thompson having two connected passed pawns on his opponent´s third rank.

Kojo Bonsu - Volpinari, Danilo, 0-1
Kojo Bonsu enjoyed a good spacial advantage for most part of this game. Volpinari played the Benko Gambit but Kojo neutralized the pressure on the queenside and obtained a good position. However his position slipped after a blunder on move 46.

Ghana plays the U.S Virgin Islands in round 6.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

2010 Olympiad: Round 4, Ghana 0.5-3.5 Nigeria

Round 4 was a local derby between Ghana and it´s West African counterpart, Nigeria. Historically, Nigeria has had a stronger chess team than Ghana. Team Ghana was however hoping to turn the tables around with the presence of Anquandah and Thompson still in the team. At the end though, Ghana lost to Nigeria 0.5-3.5.

Anquandah, Francis Eric - Ajibola, Olanrewaju, 0-1
The Queens came off the board as early as move 12 and from then on it was Ajibola´s greater piece activity versus Anquandah´s better pawn structure.

Ajibowo, Olamide - Thompson, Edward Nii Lamp, 1-0
It was a Ruy Lopez, Steinitz variation. Thompson had winning chances after Ajibowo´s exchange sac on move 27. After more piece sacrifices by Ajibowo, Thompson was up a full Rook but with some defending to do. After a blunder on move 45 Thompson had a bad position.

Kojo Bempa Bonsu - Kigigha, Inimo, 0-1
Kigigha had firm control of the central squares and good positions for his pieces after the opening phase of the game and after an exchange sac on move 25, he had an attack going against Kojo´s King.

Campbell, Charles – Kees, 0.5-0.5
This was a hard fought draw where Kees equalized easily and had better piece activity. A series of exchanges in the middle game occurred afterwards resulting in an endgame of Rook and Knight versus Rook and Bishop.

Ghana plays San Marino in Round 5.

Friday, September 24, 2010

2010 Olympiad: Round 3

Team Ghana couldn´t sustain their improved performance in round 2 as they lost 3.5 - 0.5 to Thailand. In this round "Player of the Day" for round 2, Kojo Bonsu, was rested. Nii Koney played instead.

Pornariyasombat, Atippat - Anquandah, Francis Eric, 1 – 0,
Anquandah isn´t having a particularly good tournament, losing for the third time in a row. However playing on board one is tough and Team Ghana most hope that he picks up some winning luck. In this round a lot of credit must be given to his opponent who sac´d a Queen for a Rook and Bishop. With an impending material loss Anquandah resigned.

Teerapabpaisit, Wisuwat – Thompson, 1-0
Thompson also lost in his favourite opening, the Pirc Defense. After a couple of blunders right from move 12, he was down 2 pawns. His opponent was able to set his pawn majority on the Queenside rolling and Thompson resigned.

Nii Koney - Kongsee, Uaychai, 0-1
It was a Closed Sicilian where Nii´s opponent easily equalized and obtained a better position with good as early as move 10. Black had better piece placement and a firm control of the centre with pawns. In the middle game Nii´s position looked very bad with all his pieces pushed to the bank rank. After a few blunders he was down the exchange and resigned on move 38.

Kees - Tuamsang, Sawapop, 0.5-0-5
This was a Sicilian Dragon and although Kees had a slight advantage in space there wasn´t much to fight for after Queens were traded. In a bishop-of-opposite-colour ending with equal number of pawns the game was drawn after 43 moves.

Ghana plays Nigeria in Round 4 on Friday, 24 September. Good luck, guys!

Picture gallery

Ready for battle...Round 3

Francis Anquandah

Nii Koney

Eddie Thompson

2010 Olympiad: Round 2

After their first round loss, Team Ghana finished round 2 with an improved performance, drawing 2-2 with Mauritius

Anquandah - Phillips, Roy Jean-Noel, 0 - 1
It wasn´t difficult for Black to equalize after the opening. Black actually had an easy development and obtained a better position in terms of space and position of pieces. As a result was able to put pressure on White´s isolated pawn which eventually fell. Later Black created a passed pawn and won.

Chinasamy, Devarajen – Thompson, 1 - 0
Thompson showed his knowledge of openings when he played the Black side of the Two Knights Defence: Max Lange Attack. However in the middle game he fell to tactics due to his weak back rank.

Kojo Bonsu - Seegolam, Pradeep, 1 - 0
The game of the round for Team Ghana. In a King´s Indian with opposite side castling, Black had to move his K to the centre for safetly, however Kojo was able to find a way to the Black King with pawn sacs and some fine tactics. Great game Kojo!!

Marie, Patrick - Hoogendijk, Cornelis Will, 0 - 1

Kees gave Team Ghana the second win of the day playing his beloved Scandinavian Defense. Kees obtained a good position right after the opening with well coordinated pieces, a castled King and a lead in development. It wasn´t long in coming when his opponent blundered a Knight away and resigned a few moves later.

Picture gallery

The second round against Mauritius

Team Ghana

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

2010 Olympiad starts: Ghana lose to Montenegro 0-4 in Round 1

The 2010 Chess Olympiad takes place from September 21st to October 3rd in Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia. It is an 11-round Swiss System team event, in which each team has four players with one reserve. There are a total of 143 nations, with 1294 competitors of which 797 are titled. Of the titled players there are about 254 grandmasters, 65 WGMs, 159 IMs, and 90 WIMs. 34 players are rated 2700 or more, and 117 are rated at least 2600.

The official opening ceremony of the Olympiad took place late Monday evening in Complex “Arena Ugra” of Khanty-Mansiysk. As part of the ceremony there were national dances and a live chess game played on a huge chess board with people as pieces. This was an enactment of the Anderson - Kizeritsky game.

Round 1:

In round one Ghana lost 0-4 to Montenegro. Anquandah - Djukic was a Pirc game where Djukic (Black) was able to equalize easily. In the end game where Anquadah was down a pawn his Knight got trapped and was captured. In Kosic - Koney, Black had the Modern Benoni Defense setup but after a few blunders was down a piece and lost.

Thompson - Drasko was a Nimzo-Indian. In this game Black equalized fairly easily. Thompson went down two pawns in the endgame and resigned. The second Modern Benoni Defense of the day was played by Kojo Bonsu in his game against Blagojevic. In the standard position, Kojo strangely moved his Knights back and forth and allowed his opponent to gain space and good positions for his pieces. Eventually Black´s position was overrun. At move 30 it was White to play and mate in 3.


Tomorrow (22/09/2010) Ghana plays Mauritius in Round 2. Best of luck, guys!!

Pictures from the Opening ceremony

Monday, June 7, 2010

Peter Nsiah wins "May" Open

The tournament was held at the Ohene Djan Sports Stadium in Accra on the 5th of June, 2010 with over 30 players participating. The 6 round G/30 tournament was held in two divisions, A and B, and it´s one of the tournaments that would be used to select players to make up the Ghana Team for the Olympiad in Khanty Mansiysk this year.

At the end, Peter Nsiah took first place with 5/6, Kojo Hasford and Ernesto Baro shared second to third place with 4.5/6. Check out the final standings and some photos below.

Final Standings:

Place  Name                   Score

  1   ANANE-NSIAH, PETER       5
 2-3  HASFORD, KOJO            4.5
      BARO, ERNESTO            4.5
 4-8  BUSUMTWI, KOFI           4   
      THOMPSON, EDDIE          4   
      LAMP, PASTOR             4       
      OTOO, EMMANUEL           4       
      WINFUL, FRANCIS          4      
9-10  COLEMAN, VITALY          3.5    
      NKRUMAN, SEKOU           3.5    
11-16 ASHAGBLEY, VICTOR        3      
      ADI, WILLIAM             3      
      AMANOR, MICHAEL          3      
      KONEY, NII KONEY-KWAKU   3      
      GABAH, RICHARD           3      
      SAAKA, BOLINA            3       
 17   SAAKA, FELIX             2.5     
18-21 AHADZIE, EMMA            2      
      SOSU, EDWARD             2      
      MILLS PAPOE, AARON       2      
      ODIAKA, EMEKE            2      
 22   ADJEI, MICHAEL           1.5   
 23   ABBEY, OGUNLEYE          1     
 24   NUAMAH, FRANK            0       

Picture gallery


The playing hall at the Ohene Djan Stadium

 Kojo Hasford (Left) battling it out with Eddie Thompson; 
was it a KID discussion?
The controversial game of the tournament: 
Sekou Nkrumah vs Vitaly Coleman (right)

Tournamenet winner, Peter Nsiah playing with Black vs Ernesto Baro

 Nii Koney (right), one of the promising players of Ghana chess 
plays it out with Edward Sosu in round 6

Monday, April 12, 2010

African Regent Championship

On the 10th of April, 2010, the Ghana Chess Association organized a chess tournament at the African Regent Hotel in Accra. Over forty (40) players participated in the seven round, G/30 event. At the end of the tournament, Francis Anquandah came in first after winning the tie-break against Edward Thompson. Both players scored 6/7 after 7 rounds. Peter Nsiah came in 3rd with 5.5/7.

Final standings:

Place       Name                                                                                           Score

 1-2  Anquandah, Francis                      6      
      Thompson, Edward                        6     
  3   Anane, Nsiah                            5.5   
 4-6  Barro, Ernesto                          5     
      Ashagbley, Victor                       5     
      Kidi, Charles                           5     
7-13  Winful, Francis                         4.5   
      Konney, Nii                             4.5   
      Busumtwi, Billy                         4.5   
      Nkrumah, Sekou                          4.5   
      Hasford, Kojo                           4.5   
      Bonsu, Kojo                             4.5   
      Lamp, Pastor Shepered                   4.5   
14-20 Otoo, Emmanuel                          4     
      Mills Pappoe, Ogidigidi                 4     
      Lawrence, Peter                         4     
      Seye, Passawey                          4     
      Amano, Michael                          4     
      Adjei, Michael                          4       
      Sosu, Emmanuel                          4       
21-22 Coleman, Vitally                        3.5     
      Sekyere, Kwame                          3.5     
23-30 Mills Pappoe, Benjamin                  3       
      Gabah, Richard                          3       
      Ackun, Henry Mensah                     3       
      Vanguet, Paulina                        3       
      Amewounou, Jack                         3       
      Abeasi, Isaac                           3       
      Adusei, Ben                             3       
      Dongo, Henri                            3       
31-38 Adiepena, Charles                       2       
      Nantoh, Issmaila Armed                  2       
      Gardesey, Mark                          2       
      Acheampong, David                       2       
      Sannie, Allahiji Mohammed               2       
      Adomako, Kwame                          2       
      Ahaji, Emmanuel                         2       
      Allotey, Dorcas                         2       
39-41 Brown, Alex                             1       
      Ayiku, Angela                           1       
      Agyeinyo, Marian                        1       

Picture gallery

Tournament winner Francis Anquandah talking to Ghana

 Edward Thompson (right) came in second place

3rd place finish, Peter Nsiah (right) playing Ernesto Barro

Players busy with their games in the playing hall

Up and coming players...