Monday, October 4, 2010

2010 Olympiad: Round 11, Ghana 1.5 - Guernsey 2.5

In the final round of the Olympiad Ghana lost to Guernsey 1.5-2.5. Kees did not play in this round.

Anquandah, Francis Eric - Kirby, Peter J, 0-1
In the Accelerated Dragon of the Sicilian Defense, Kirby quicky struck in the centre with 8...d5 and after exchanges in the centre had the initiative.

Cummins, John - Koney, Nii, 0.5-0.5
The game was balanced after the opening with both players manoeuvring their pieces to optimum squares. Cummins gained a slight advantage from his kingside attack and won two pawns but the game was drawn on move 46.

Thompson, Edward Nii Lamp - Brookfield, Toby, 1-0
Brookfield´s bishop pseudo sacrifice for a kingside attack met with good defending from Thompson who won two pawns in the process. Thompson later sacrificed a pawn for a winning attack that ended in mate on move 44.

Rowe, Peter - Bempa Bonsu, Kwandwo Ovus, 1-0
Kojo Bonsu was down a pawn after a slight error in calculation but after winning back the pawn, he held a slight advantage. However after moving his knight to the edge of the board, it had no way back into the game.

Friday, October 1, 2010

2010 Olympiad: Round 10, Ghana and Haiti share points

Ghana and Haiti both won two games each to tie at 2-2. Nii Koney and Anquandah won their games.

Sanon, Mondoly - Anquandah, Francis Eric, 0-1
After opposite side castling, both places set their pawns rolling towards the opposite king. But it was Anquandah´s attack that looked more threatening. After a lot of manoeuvring by both players, Anquandah won a knight by taking advantage of Sanon´s weakened back rank.

Koney, Nii - Luxama, Jacques, 1-0
After the opening, Nii had good control of the centre and had a kingside attack going. Luxama couldn´t stop the attack as Nii brought all his pieces to join the attack.

Lebrun, Piersont - Thompson, Edward Nii Lamp, 1-0
Thompson had a bad position after his fianchettoed bishop was exchanged off. Lebrun took advantage of the weakness around Thompson´s king.

Bempa Bonsu, Kwandwo Ovus - Bazil, Joslin , 0-1
With a closed centre, Kojo attacked on the kingside but his attack was halted. Basil had the better placed pieces and a well advanced pawn chain. Kojo blundered on move 40, losing his queen.

In the last round, Ghana will play Guernsey.